Friday, June 30, 2006

The Trail To The Point

This is a little trail to a lookout point. It only takes about 15 minutes to walk. I sometimes run the way there; I started laughing today at the thought that maybe it looks like i'm running away from something. But it is a beautiful trail, with a beautiful lookout at the end of it. My favourite part is the bench.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

The Flowers By My Stairs

Sunday, June 25, 2006

My Birthday

My birthday was on June 23. I tried not to let people here know, because it seems odd to me to get people who met you 2 weeks before to celebrate your birthday with you. But they found out. I got a package from my mom and I think that prompted the boss, on a hunch, to check my payroll info, and, sure enough, it was my birthday. It was nice though. They bought me dinner at the restaurant (Seafood medley-YUM), the bosses gave me a bottle of wine, the staff all signed a card, and Sheene (who is not in the group picture because she was taking it) made me a birthday cake. It was very nice.

So, this picture of the group is the staff, so far. 3 more come July 4. There is me (store), empty chair (Sheene - waitress in the restaurant), Edgar (founder of Blind Channel Resort and greeter at the restaurant), Phil (boss man), Derryk (kitchen assistant), Kevin (the dock boy), Jen (boss lady and resident baker), and Ildiko (chef). The 3 that are coming are going to be another server for the restaurant, a dishwasher, and another dock boy. The dishwasher will help me in the store too.

Friday, June 23, 2006

The Store

The view from the front door of my store (taken today, about 15 minutes ago)

The front of the store. As you can see, we have a post office.

The outside of the unique and kind of cool bottle wall. On the interior shots (below) you can see the bottoms of the bottles.

These last 2 are interior shots of the store, where i spend 6 hours everyday until September. Everyday.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

My House

The laundry room, and, that little window above it, my place.

The stairs to my place, around back.

These are the interior of my little above-the-laundry-room flat.

These last two are my view from my window, evening and sunny day.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Finally, The First Update

Here are some pictures. I have more, but they are going to come in instalments. You will have to stay tuned...
The captions for the pictures are under them.

These first three are taken from the water taxi I took from Campbell River. They are my first impressions and sights of Blind Channel.

This one is of a low hanging cloud at low tide. I took it when I was supposed to be helping to unload yet another water taxi filled with goods for the Resort, but it struck me as very pretty, so I paused on the ramp and the camera came out. Luckily, it is pretty laid-back here, and noone would have a problem with that.

This last one is just to show you that not everything is idealic. There is a marr on our view in the form of some clear-cut logging taking place on East Thurlow Island.